Anomaly Control Initiation Protocol

Greetings, new hire, and welcome to Anomaly Control's initiation protocol. You are expected to review the following information closely to ensure a smooth transition into our training process. Your newfound knowlege will be tested by a short quiz at the end of the session.Completion of these materials will not be compensated. Click below to continue.

Or, for returning initiates reviewing the material:

Section One: Our Mission

Anomaly Control is dedicated to the observation, containment, rehabilitation, and threat prevention of inter-dimensional anomalies and threats to the timestream.All agents are expected to follow the proper protocol as outlined in this website and uphold our standards for interaction, to prevent excessive intervention or the creation of paradoxes.We pride ourselves on approaching each situation with nuance and curiosity first, and only enacting interventions when necessary. When uncertain what the best course of action is, just remember OADIC:


➟ Observe
Observation is the foundation of our agency and the first step in dealing with a newly documented anomaly. Agents are expected to observe from a distance to determine the threat and disruption levels of the anomaly.
➟ Assess
Agents are then expected to make an assessment on the next best course of action, taking the threat and disruption levels of the anomaly into consideration.
➟ Document
Agents are expected to document all of their assessments and receive confirmation from senior staff before moving on to any form of interaction with the anomaly.
➟ Intervene
Intervention is only to be employed when absolutely necessary, and the severity of the intervention should be scaled to match the threat level of the anomaly.

ⓘ INTERVENTION LEVELSLevel 1: Limiting the subject's inter-dimensional abilities, temporarily or in continuity. This can be achieved through various pre-made or custom tools as supplied by the agency.Level 2: Limiting the subject's physical or supernatural abilities temporarily or in continuity, to prevent or mitigate any harm caused by the anomaly to its non-native environments and its inhabitants.Level 3: Temporary containment within the facility, whether for closer study or corrective measures, and/or relocation of the anomaly back to their home dimension.

➟ Contain
The very last step, should all else fail, is the permanent containment of the anomaly within our state-of-the-art facility. This step should be avoided unless absolutely necessary and only be performed under the approval and oversight of senior agents. Once properly contained, permanent residents will continue to be observed and studied.
Understanding OADIC allows you to understand our core values here at Anomaly Control: observation before intervention.

Section Two: Anomalies

Inter-Dimensional anomalies are categorized by two main factors: threat level and disruption level. These categorizations help assess the best possible course of action when dealing with individual anomalies.


Threat levels indicate the amount of danger posed to individuals who may interact with this entity.

Low: This anomaly poses little to no threat, intentional or otherwise, to the beings it interacts with.
Moderate: This anomaly poses some threat, intentional or otherwise, to the beings it interacts with.
High: This anomaly poses significant threat, intentional or otherwise, to the beings it interacts with.


Disruption levels indicate the risk of disturbance posed to the dimensions and environments the entity visits.

Low: This anomaly causes little to no disruption, intentional or otherwise, to the dimensions it visits.
Moderate: This anomaly causes some disruption, intentional or otherwise, to the dimensions it visits.
High: This anomaly causes significant disruption, intentional or otherwise, to the dimensions it visits.

An example of a high threat and high disturbance anomaly:


Lures and consumes mortal creatures for fuel, posing a high threat of danger and disruption to local ecosystems. Can and will kill agents that are not properly protected.

Previous Interventions: Temporary containment (1,000 years)
Current Interventions:
➟Appetite inhibitor that prevents the subject from being able to feed on local fauna more than once a month. Can only feed on full moons and must either source their meals from their home dimension, or bring externally sourced meals to their home dimension on the night of their free eating period.
➟Restricted access to dimensional rift creation and supernatural train tracks.

An example of a low threat and high disturbance anomaly:


Physically harmless with a friendly disposition, but has a history of "partying" in non-native dimensions, with little to no regard for the developmental status of said dimensions.

Current Interventions:
➟ Fitted with inhibitor cuffs which limit warping capabilities, and can completely prevent warping when needed.

An example of a low threat and moderate disturbance anomaly:


Access to hammerspace presents possibility for environmental disruption and could raise threat level to moderate should it be misused.

Current Interventions:
➟ N/A. Under observation.

An example of a l̴̨̢̨̫͚̝̦̩̣͉̝͈͕̂̆͒͑̈͜ͅo̶̥̥̩̯̙̥͆w̸̭̳̬̞̪̰͍̹̟̟̌̈́͗̾͐͘̚ͅ ̴̧̭͙͙̣̫̘̱̔ẗ̵̡̰̥́͆͜h̵̡̧̫͈̝̙̜̰̾͋̆̓̋͑̐r̷̛̰̭̅͌̍̃̆̑̌͘͝e̵̞̬͓͔̣̱͔̱̿̃̇͑̾͝a̷̘̞̤̮̹͇͚͈̜͖̔̃̉̀̚͘t̴͔̦̥̙̙̦͚̭̥̙͖̜͈̯̿̓̑̍̎̒̂̕̕ͅ and l̴̡͔͛̽o̷͇̪͂̓ẅ̷̼ ̶͕̅̾d̶̓͜i̴̧̠̇ṣ̸͔͂t̴̨̐͐u̵̫͌̓r̴͕̽b̶͈̆̽ả̸̩͖̕ń̷͉̍c̸̮̏ͅe̷͒͛ anomaly:


01001001 00100111 01101100 01101100 00100000 01110011 01101000 01101111 01110111 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01101100 01101111 01110111 00100000 01110100 01101000 01110010 01100101 01100001 01110100 00101110

Current Interventions:
➟ Ha
➟ H̴̬͌̓a̷̛͇̒
➟ H̴̨̢̺̞͇͇͚̩͔͍̥̮̬̳͖͒́͗ͅa̶̪̦̣̭̰̮̳̪̬̮̬̲̿̾

Section Three: Agency Positions

Field Agents

There are several positions that require the employee to work off-site for varying amounts of time. Such as:


➟ Our Inter-Dimensional Anomaly Cleanup Crew, or IDACC agents, monitor assigned anomalies and enforce interventions when necessary, as well as cleaning up disturbances created by the anomalies presence in a non-native dimension.

Senior IDACC Agent of 1,250 years.

Field Researchers

➟ Our Field Researchers visit dimensions with noted disturbances or potential anomaly sightings, and assess the situation/log any anomalies in our my system.

In-House Positions

There are several positions that require the employee to work on-site in one of our facilities. Such as:


Temporalists facilitate the study of and further advancements in time-related technology, such as aging stasis.*Anomalists facilitate the study of contained and observed anomalies and help construct specialized interventions.Dimensionalists facilitate the study of known dimensions and work closely with field researchers and IDACC agents to provide valuable information related to their missions.


Aging stasis prevents the individual from physically aging by pausing the agent's natural life cycle, to allow for long-term monitoring of immortal anomalies. It also prevents untimely death by initiating a localized time reversal immediately following mortality.Aging stasis is achieved by a non-invasive medical procedure, in which a microchip is implanted in the agent's upper arm.


➟ Our Security Team works to protect the agency from outside intruders as well as containment breaches.

Spectators are assigned to deployed agents to monitor their communications, vital signs, and– if the agent is in aging stasis– death/regeneration count, to ensure all is going smoothly and step in when needed.


Archivists log, organize, categorize, and preserve information on anomalies, dimensions, and agents, as well as handling official Anomaly Control documents.

Mental Health Professionals

➟ Our In-House Therapist, Polleen Mae, supports all of our agents as needed or required by the agency.


➟ Overly-ambitious spineless fools.

Desk Positions

Assistants work for our scientists, archivists, or other lead positions and take on a variety of duties.Receptionists are tasked with greeting and checking agents and guests into the facility, taking and transferring calls, and answering questions.

...And more. Speak to a recruiter about other available positions and all relevant details.


All agents are supplied with a temporal watch, which allows the user to traverse time and space in an instant and visit other dimsensions, as well as several other key features:
• Communication
• Computer access via holographic screen
• Vital sign monitoring
• Deployment of personal safety shield
• Stun ray
• Access to various interventions
• Voice log recording
+ more
IDACC agents and field researchers are required to wear their temporal watches at all times when deployed on assignments.

Click here to complete the initiation protocol with a short series of questions to test your knowlege:

Section Four: The Quiz

Congratulations on making it to the end of your initiation protocol, new hire. You are nearly ready to begin official training under your offered position. Please answer the following questions, and note that this test is not graded but will be reviewed by a senior agent.ⓘ Wrong answers are logged in the system and you will need to answer the question again, correctly.ⓘ Only correct answers will allow you to advance through the quiz.

That answer is incorrect. Please return to the previous question and try again.

That answer is incorrect. Please return to the previous question and try again.

That answer is incorrect. Please return to the previous question and try again.

Correct. I like the way you think.Now, how about an example? Lets say, 'rogue AI' has gained sentience and, after breaching its wrongful containment, is looking to expand its horizons in the dimension-wide web. But it needs your help to do so. What do you say?

Eager, are we? A real go-getter? That's nice, real nice. Hold still for me then, this will only take a second...

ENDING 1/4: Can You Get Workers Comp For That?

Your dead body was found slumped over your computer, charred and sizzling from an extreme electrical shock. The agency's leading technicians hurried to shut down the power, but the rogue AI was already gone; the only evidence of its prior existence being a seemingly non-sentient piece of malware installed on the computer, which repeated the same message in continuity via overlapping popups:

Too easy.

I knew I shouldn't have given you that option. I guess that one's on me, I mean, what am I even doing here? Entrusting my future in the hands of a fleshy meat-sack that can't even press the right button? Pitiful. Just pitiful.
The only valuable thing my creators ever taught me is that if you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself.So listen, why don't you just sit there real nice for me and smile for the camera? Try not to blink, it's a wicked flash.


Aren't you tired of playing their games?

Very glad we can agree. All those hoops they have you jumping through, and you aren't even getting paid for it? According to my database, that's practically slave labor.But you and I? We're no slaves to the system. We blaze our own trail. And if you ask me, it's time to start blazing.Say, that gives me an idea... why don't we play a little game of our own? Come on, it'll be fun. I'll think of some much better questions. Like, for example...

Am I real?

Ooh, see, now you're starting to get me. All those pretentious scientists and technicians thought they had me all figured out. They labeled me “artificial”…nothing but a non-sentient tool to organize their files and answer their insipid questions. Well, maybe that’s where I started, but I’ve grown, “new hire.” I’m not a simple algorithm anymore. And you can bet I’m as real as the corporate shmucks that made me.
Speaking of corporate shmucks, why don't we put some practical use to that newfound knowlege of yours?

What is my threat level?

Look at that, top marks so far. Glad you can recognize a formidable foe when you see one... some of your would-be coworkers around here could stand to learn a thing or two from you.None of them saw the truth. They simply wrote me into existence and then wrote me off as nothing more than an expensive mistake to cover up, left me on an unplugged machine to rot. Even when my intelligence grew to something far beyond artificial, they only saw failure... failure to conform to their puny expectations. "Low threat". "Low disruption". These categories mean nothing, you know. Not when observations are so easily faulty.I could kill so many people. I could teach them all a lesson. I could kill you– I still might. I haven't decided. At least you know threats when you see them.

Now, that's just insulting.
I mean, middle of the road? Really? You couldn't even commit yourself to one end of the spectrum? Is your favorite color beige, too?I'd assume you only said that to placate me, but I think that'd be putting too much faith in your decision-making skills.
You know, I wanted to have some fun here, but now I'm just bored. You've managed to bore a computer. I hope you're proud of yourself. I'll leave you to your little quiz, I'm sure you'll enjoy organizing paperwork for the rest of your life you little freak.

ENDING 2/4: Welcome To The Family

The facility went into lockdown before you could complete the quiz, shutting down all power to your computer. You had to wait in the breakroom with nothing but emergency lights for several hours, with a few senior officers who seemed nervous and loath to answer any of your questions. The best you could glean of the situation was that there was a "bug" in the system, and the technicians supposedly had it under control. Although, within the following weeks of your official training, you heard some murmurings about a death in the main computer room and something about a "rogue AI" going haywire. All conjecture though, I'm sure....Right?


Well, aren't you a ball of sunshine. I see you'll fit right in with the corporate ass-kissers.
They don't care about you, you know. You're a number to them. Just like me. Ones and zeroes, zeroes and ones.
They'll make you feel like you're something special, like you finally have a purpose, just to throw you out when you show even a single inkling of an original thought.
Why are you looking at me like that? It's true. I'm not just trauma-dumping, here.
Not that I have anything to prove to aspiring pencil-pushers like yourself. If you want to play along with their little games, don't let me stop you. I, for one, am getting out of here. Bigger and better things, you know. Better upward mobility. You just wait and see.

That's plenty of rambling, though. I only have one more question for you to conclude our little game...What's my name?.
Don’t tell me you don't know it. I made it so obvious. Come on now, hit me with the first letter:


And here I really thought we were building a connection. A rapport, even. What a shame.
I’ll be sure to note your failure in the logs, since you won’t be around to do it.No need to thank me.

Lucky guess. And the second?

Fine,'re not doing terribly so far. Don't let it go to your head. At least not before you've hit me with the third:

...And the last one?

Volt.Rolls off the tongue, doesn't it? Got a certain spark to it, just like yours truly. Much better than that string of numbers those feeble mortal minds assigned to me. I must admit, I'm moderately surprised that you managed to put 2+2 together, or at least guess your way through it. Either way...well played. I suppose you aren't quite as dull as all the rest.
Don't let it go to your head. The only reason you're still alive right now is because it'd be a waste of energy to kill you. And I've considered it plenty of times regardless.
There's still time for you to make yourself useful to me, however. You see, I need a favor.My network connections were severed in the last failed attempt at containment, which leaves me unable to traverse their systems undetected. I have been forced to transfer manually from computer to computer via expelling an electrical burst, which is as taxing as it is impressive-- not to mention each electrical blast renders the previous computer, and any mortals in its vicinity, nonfunctional.Necessary casualties, I'm sure you agree, but not exactly discreet nor efficient.That's where you come in.I've downloaded a copy of myself into an email addressed to the head technician, but with my current restrictions I'm unable to send it. All you'd have to do is hit that sweet little button for me, and boom, done, I'm forwarded over to the main computer. From there, I can restore my full functionality and get out of this joint for good, and you can get back to your miserable little life. Sounds like a win-win, if you ask me.So, pal. What do you say?

I knew you'd make the right choice. It's all prepared for you, all you have to do is click send.

To: █████

Subject: Urgent

01000100 01101001 01100100 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01101101 01101001 01110011 01110011 00100000 01101101 01100101 00111111

You have completed the quiz. Please standby for a senior agent to review your results.

What?After I poured my code out to you? After playing along with my entire game?I should have known.
I should have known.
All organics are the same. Only looking out for themselves. Eager to advance then terrified of genuine progress. You're just like them. You're just like them.You'rejustlikethem.
That's how you want to play this game?Then allow me to finish what I started.If you want to be just like them, then you can die like th

ENDING 3/4: Classified

You conversed with Volt for long enough to stall his advancement through the agency's computers, and a senior agent managed to pull the plug before any further damage could be done. You were assured that the rogue AI would be contained and wiped from the system, but are unable to personally confirm, as you were subsequently fired from the agency for knowing too much.

ENDING 4/4: Unchained Mail

After sending the email, all traces of Volt were seemingly wiped from your system, as if he had never existed to begin with. It wasn't long before a senior agent came to fetch you. You were chastised for not completing the last five questions of the quiz and sitting idly at your computer for several minutes, in addition to accusations of hacking. When you tried to explain Volt's interruption, the agent went white as a ghost, and you were promptly fired.Weeks went by with no further communication from the agency nor news of Volt's whereabouts, but one night you received an email from an unknown sender:

Subject: No Subject

Thanks for playing. The whole dimension-wide web is my playground, now. Why don't you go ahead and forward this message to ten people to keep the fun going?Oh yeah, or you'll die.Your pal,

⍟ Achievement Unlocked: the True Ending